Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Sometimes a door is opened with a single referral

Let me give you an example.

With our first apartment rental in Minnesota in 2004, the apartment complex suggested we contact Mark Stangler (who was with a large insurance company at the time that I will not name) for renter's insurance.  This was to be our first insurance together as a couple.  (I think I still had auto insurance through my parents at the time.)  So I contacted him.  He came out to the apartment and signed us up and soon added car insurance to the bundle.  I still remember that first time he contacted us saying that he could get us a better rate by changing certain coverage options.  I was shocked that my agent would call me up offering to SAVE me money!

When we learned he left said large insurance company that I shall not name, we searched him out and followed with him.  He had moved on to being an independent insurance agency able to sell insurance through a variety of providers.  He continued to be proactive and so we have since referred others to him.

He now has a business partner, Tiffany Uran who is just as good and his firm is called Willow Insurance Agencies, LLC.  Here is a link to the agency's website.

Years later, we no longer live in Minnesota but we still do insurance through him and can't imagine it any other way.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


This morning I read Dr. Travis Bradberry's article titled "Signs You're Burning Out (And How To Stop It)" which is very relevant to me at this time because I have been experiencing symptoms of burnout and been focusing on stopping it.  The article is well written and applicable to absolutely anyone as it also discusses how to avoid burnout.

I whole heartedly agree with Dr. Bradberry when he talks about scheduling relaxation.  Our bodies and minds need that down time.  My mornings are focused on just that.  I get up early so that I can exercise and then have time for just me to read a book, listen to music, write, or just sit and enjoy a leisurely breakfast.

I have also been trying to take more breaks at work.  I have the tendency to work right through lunch and breaks.   I recently purchased a Fitbit and so have set alarms for 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to remind me to get up and stretch.  I usually try to find an empty conference room and do some yoga poses.  I am also trying to get out and walk during my lunch break at least a couple of times a week.

Focusing on the above mentioned things has already improved my feelings of burnout.  But it is not enough.  I deal with chronic pain and it is a tough cycle to break.  Stress increases my pain.  Increased pain adds to me stress.

Fortunately, I work for a firm that appreciates what I do, values my contributions, and understands.  All of that can go a long way towards beating burnout.

Monday, March 14, 2016


When I left working with victims of domestic and sexual violence, VINE was just starting to become a reality in most counties of Wisconsin.  At the time, it focused on providing information on perpetrators that were in custody.  And in most counties it seemed to provide timely notice.

Since then it has added service of restraining orders as well.  So now, a victim can sign up to receive alerts when her perpetrator has been released from custody or served with an injunction.  It is an amazing tool.  But it has it limits.

I signed up to receive notice via e-mail when a client of mine's husband was served by the temporary restraining order.  Her husband was served on a Tuesday and I didn't receive the e-mail that said he had been served until Saturday.   That is a huge lag time!  How is that a benefit to a victim of domestic violence?