Tuesday, March 15, 2016


This morning I read Dr. Travis Bradberry's article titled "Signs You're Burning Out (And How To Stop It)" which is very relevant to me at this time because I have been experiencing symptoms of burnout and been focusing on stopping it.  The article is well written and applicable to absolutely anyone as it also discusses how to avoid burnout.

I whole heartedly agree with Dr. Bradberry when he talks about scheduling relaxation.  Our bodies and minds need that down time.  My mornings are focused on just that.  I get up early so that I can exercise and then have time for just me to read a book, listen to music, write, or just sit and enjoy a leisurely breakfast.

I have also been trying to take more breaks at work.  I have the tendency to work right through lunch and breaks.   I recently purchased a Fitbit and so have set alarms for 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to remind me to get up and stretch.  I usually try to find an empty conference room and do some yoga poses.  I am also trying to get out and walk during my lunch break at least a couple of times a week.

Focusing on the above mentioned things has already improved my feelings of burnout.  But it is not enough.  I deal with chronic pain and it is a tough cycle to break.  Stress increases my pain.  Increased pain adds to me stress.

Fortunately, I work for a firm that appreciates what I do, values my contributions, and understands.  All of that can go a long way towards beating burnout.

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