Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Funding for non-profits

With the economy and the debt crisis at both the state and national level, non-profits are struggling to make ends meet.  Corporate donors are cutting their donations.  Government grants are dwindling.  Everyone is being forced to make difficult decisions.

To those that can afford to, please donate to your local domestic violence organizations, homeless shelters, and other charities.  We need to take care of those less fortunate than us.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The power of a legal advocate

I may change my mind many more times but right now I'm not sure that law school is the right avenue.  There are times an attorney is necessary and there are times when what a victim needs most is support.  It's very difficult if not impossible to be both an attorney and a support to the victim.

Now if only we can convince the government to stop cutting funding as the need for our services only becomes greater....